Thursday, 13 December 2012

Lucy’s story of a humble beginning to great heights.

Lucy’s story begins in the city of Nairobi. After completing her accounting course, she went to live with her brother. One day when she went to the market, a man overheard her talking to the woman selling her the vegetables. She was talking about looking for a job. The man approached her and asked her if she was interested in working. She said she would as long as it was not as a domestic worker. She did not have a cell phone, the man agreed to meet her the following day in the morning in the town centre.

Lucy was exited about getting the job, she asked her brother to give her some money for bus fare the following day. Her brother being overprotective refused to give her and she borrowed from a neighbor. She woke up early and went to meet the stranger. She waited for him for four hours. When he finally came, he showed her the shop where he was to get her the job. It was closed. He told her to wait and once it was opened to give him a call. The owner of the shop agreed to give her the job to start in the New Year. It was November by then. After three days, the owner of the shop decided to call Lucy so that she could start work. She had given her brother’s cell phone number.

Lucy decided not to talk to the man because she thought that he was interested in her. After three days had passed and she was not reachable, the man went back to the market where he has first seen Lucy. He asked around where she resided and someone directed him to her brother’s house. He went and there was no one home. The following day early in the morning, he went back. Lucy opened the door and she could not believe that the man had come to see her before 6 am in the morning. She wanted to lock him out but he explained that she was needed at her place of work immediately.

The stranger wanted to help her, wanting nothing in return. She worked at the shop for a few years and made friends with the family of her employer. She got another job where she could practice her career as an accountant. The man she worked for was very obsessed on how the door of the shop was opened. She had to recite a prayer seven times on opening the door. The owner of the shop would take time off to go to a cave to pray for a week. She was a dedicated employee who did the best she could. The business was making a profit.

Her brother was working in a firm owned by some Asians and when there was a vacancy, he asked her to apply. She did and when she was interviewed, they offered her a salary twice what was to be given for that post. When she went to hand over her resignation letter, her former boss increased her salary by three times. She begged him to release her.

 Lucy moved to a medical insurance company where the environment allowed her to grow in her career, she met and fell in love with her husband and things were going well. Janet, who was her superior, started bullying her; she would get home upset. Her husband advised her to quit her job. When her husband was having lunch with a friend called Paul, he told her about his wife. They arranged for her to go for an interview in Paul’s office. He is a doctor. The amazing thing was that the office was in the same building as her former employer. She would meet with Janet in the lift. She would say hello and Janet would not respond.

The office that Lucy was working in was providing medical services to the medical insurance company where she resigned. On the material day, the secretary was not in, Lucy was asked to fill in for her. The mysteries of life cannot be explained. Janet came in sick. She saw Lucy seated at the front desk and asked her to help her see a doctor before the other patients in line. Lucy put her in her place and told her to wait like every one else or to go get the messenger from their office to come queue for her. She was too proud to wait she went for the messenger.  After the doctor attended her, she went to Lucy and apologized for every wrong that she had done to her.

She worked in Paul’s office for two years. In December, they had a team building tour with her colleagues. When they left from Nairobi going to Maasai Mara, she remembered that she had not sent a report that was mandatory every Friday. She requested her colleagues to allow her to make a stopover in Narok to use a cybercafé. She noticed that there was only one in the town. One had to have an ID to be allowed to surf the net. An idea grew root, she consulted with her husband on then relocating to Narok. He agreed. She took a month off work to set up the computer business. She advertised her business by offering free internet and people flocked there. She started teaching them computer packages.

Her business grew. She resigned from her job and relocated to Narok. She employed computer teachers to teach the large number of clients. She applied for a contract with the city council to service the municipal computers. She was doing so well, she bought a car. She diverged into wheat faming, proposal writing for the natives.

Talking to Lucy taught me a lesson. You can be a success no matter where you are, if you work hard and grab every chance that comes your way.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Weird behaviors or not?

The world is an interesting place. Every person brought up with different values. The beauty of diversity is that it eliminates boredom. A wise old person once said you have to eat food made by someone different from your mother. Reason being that if, you do not, then you will always think that, the food that your mom cooks is the best.  The weekend that ended, I got to talking to this Lady that I have been seeing around in a place that I go to volunteer.

We were actually talking about how other people’s opinion influence our day. She actually laughed and told me that it does not bother her one bit. Other people doings do not feature in her day. If someone accuses her of doing something that she has not done, she does not bother to defend herself. She told me of two cases that happened to her when she was growing up that surprised me.

The first one is about her siblings. It was a wet weekend so they decided to sit in the kitchen and make some pancakes. After the pancakes were ready, as a joke, the brother said they grab them and see who will get the most. Being the youngest sibling, she did not get any.  The older sister and brother ate them. What you would expect from a child is for her to have cried and reported to the mother. She quietly went to the cabinet, got a knife, and stabbed her sister on the arm. Her sister started crying and had to be taken to the hospital. What got to me was the fact that she started laughing when she saw the blood dripping.

The second case is when her mother accused her of eating the sugar in the dish. She did not say that it was her brother. The mother got so annoyed that she got two sugar canes and beat the daylights out of her. She stood there and asked her if she had finished beating her. I cannot imagine her mother’s reaction to her child asking her if she was done beating her. She did not shed a single tear. 

After that episode, she ran away from home for two weeks. She did not go to school, where was she? She was living on top of a tree in their compound. She would come down at night, steal food, and then go sleep on the tree. She was not frightened of the dark or any wild animals. She would roam around the neighborhood waiting for her mom to go to sleep.

Her temper gets the best of her in the things other people find trivial, she has broken her TV and hit her kid with a cup on the head.

What provokes you to anger? Moreover, how quickly does it come upon you?

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Challenges of making Money online.

I was having a conversation the other day with my mom about my article writing  that I have been doing faithfully for the last 4 years without a coin to show for it. On 3rd November 2012, I received  100 dollars withdrawn from my local bank account. Yes, I finally broke even and that is why I want to put it in writing. This is not an easy journey, furthermore there is a lot of heartbreak involved but that is life.
The online writing business has different testimonies from different people but mine has not been easy. I have had my hope build up by different sites and then gotten the worst heartbreak after my work has been stolen and someone taken credit for it.

I joined earlier in the year and things were going so well ; I had sold some articles in their market place and I thought for a while that I was about to cash out. I came in early in the morning to start work and after trying to log in for a while, I contacted their helpline and I was beyond shocked when they told me that they had suspended my account because they had to delete some of my articles because I was not a native……… I was too surprised but the worst part is that they got to keep my 20 articles without paying me for them. I believe in giving credit where it is due, they gave me exposure to the search engines and if you type my name, you can see some of my articles.

Never giving up is a lesson that I have come to learn in this business, I joined and the community is awesome and people encourage each other. I could not earn on this platform because Google disapproved my account. No reasons given. I searched online on where I could earn without Google ad sense and then here comes Things were going great and the payment is in Euros, 46 articles later and nothing in payment, page views are many but they do not explain how you are paid, the funds in the account keeps going down.

I joined and my first contract was a bid of 150 dollars and on accepting the contract they straight away charged me 10% and that meant my account was -$15 even before I began the contract. The client gave me work for 7 dollars so I owed them 8 dollar.
They emailed me and told me to deposit funds in my account or they suspend my account. Needless to say I did not and now my account is suspected until I add the funds for them to activate it. I will not add any funds.

I have joined so many other article directories in my four years journey, it has had its ups, and down but in all that I am so thankful that I have become a writer who can write in many areas including blogs, seo, articles, product reviews among others.  Finally, I remove my hat to I have had my account with them for the last four years and they did not deactivate it even when I did not log in. When I went back earlier this year, I was able to apply for contracts, I made my first 100 dollars, and I went home and celebrated with my mom who has been my greatest supporter in this writing business.

If you are new in this business, do not give up go on writing and soon enough, you will have your breakthrough and the money will start coming in.You can  read more about the challenges of working from home at 

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

How To Job Search Today

In the today world, for one to eat, one needs a job. To job search is a requirement for every graduate after attaining the mandatory education and every help available is appreciated. The internet has become a great platform that offers a chance to everyone who can use a computer to fill out his or her qualifications to begin on the job search.

The work market is flooded with so many options and the job search candidate should explore every avenue and determine what best works for him or her. One should be well prepared for the severe competition that is out there and should take some time to prepare a great portfolio for the job search.

Where else should you job search?

Apart from the internet, the word of mouth has actually worked for some people in the job search endeavor as some companies look for ways to save money on advertising for vacancies, they ask the staff to refer people that they know who can fill these positions.  Recreational groups that one is in can also assist in the job search as one is able to interact with these people and the qualifications of an individual discussed.

What is required for the job search?

Any qualifications that one may have that are not academic may also be included in the curriculum vitae as these may end up differentiating you from someone with similar educational qualifications. Ensure that you indicate any experiences that you may have attained during the practical industrial attachment that may make you a good candidate for the job available.

As you prepare for the job search, put in mind that even if the job does not have everything that you are looking for, you can work your way up if the organization has the potential to allow you to grow. Do not despise humble beginning; you will get there eventually with hard work and a great attitude.

Friday, 7 September 2012

What Color is your iphone 4?

iphone  4 is the must have iphone as what it can actually bring to your life is almost unbelievable.

To unlock the iphone 4 mystery why it comes in only black and white color is the debate that most customers have come up with and since this is a very colorful world more colors are definitely going to be introduced to the market.

As we wait for more colors to be available, try out the black and the white and none will disappoint and if the artist in you can come out and spruce it up to the color of your desire with the options that are easily available in the market today. 

Access the Internet on your iphone4.

In our today’s world the basic needs are food, water, shelter and the internet and everybody needs to be on the World Wide Web. 
To unlock the iphone4 for your internet uses is a journey in itself as this iphone4 is well designed to make using the internet quick and fun.

The iphone4 has a widescreen that is a multi-touch that allows you to browse more than one site at a time and enables easy retrieval of data, chat with your friend as you finish an assignment.

With this iphone4, you are assured that your sight will not be affected as it has a great brightness display and can be used in areas where other phones are disadvantaged.

One of the features that you find when you unlock iphone4 that will bring a smile on your face is the finger –print resistant ability. If someone borrows your iphone4 for an emergency map check or a quick email check, you will not be worried about them leaving their finger prints all over your iphone4.It maintains that clean sheen even after using it for a long period.

If you are among the few blessed who are multilingual, then the iphone4 has all the characters in the various languages so you can express yourself as need be with no hustles. You can surf the net in any of the languages at the comfort of your hand.

The iphone4 has the best photo display and taking your videos has never been easier and you can now keep a record on all these beautiful memories and share them with the Whole Wide World.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Face Book Fan Pages.

Face book is here to stay irrespective of the fact that it started as a student forum. It has gone viral and no one is going to get rid of it soon no matter how hard they try.

There are so many Face book fans and this has given way to a platform for many in business, in the love department, in donations for different causes among many others.

Good and bad must co-exist and the innocent in this world have to be watched to ensure that they will not be fooled by criminals in the disguise of friendship. There are cases of children molesters getting in touch with children on Face book and assaulting them after gaining their trust.

And for the great part of Face book, people have met and fallen in love and started families. It has given a voice to so many who would not have been noticed.

Do you have a good friend that you have not seen in a long time? Today is your lucky day. Check them out on Face book and cross your fingers and hope that they are like you and registered their profile and you can catch up. 

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Mylot  is a fabulous place to be and you get to meet people that are like minded and they create a great community,

I am looking forward to become a great participant.

<a href=''>myLot User Profile</a>

Monday, 6 August 2012

Indulge in Your Passion.

There are different reasons why people address others and sometimes it gets so weird in the things that people listen to and the beauty of this world is that we have a right to our opinions and the things that we listen to.

What defines insanity is still the question that is in my mind because of something that I heard some one talking about today and it was about satanic spirit. He was giving instructions on how to avoid being possessed by the said spirit. The guidelines he gave are below;

-          -Don’t go to the market early and leave the supermarket early.Don't be the first one to enter after the market opens
-          - Cover  your mouth when you yawn.
-          - Don’t go to sleep without covering the food in the pot.
-          - Do not go to pray in the graveyard, empty house or in a garbage area.

No one would stop him, he kept repeating that the Satan spirit is present and looking for someone to inhibit and his passion was so great that is the reason why I wondered about his state of mind.

We have a right to what we believe and where is the line of sanity drawn and do some things make sense?

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Sibling Relations

A human being is a social creature and that is why they pair up and form a family.

Once the children are born then sibling relationship comes into existence and this depends on the family setup and how the parents raise them up. Some siblings love each other so much to an extent of doing the impossible for the other and in other homes the siblings don’t see eye to eye with each other.

I am supposed to go for a family get-together next month and I am still weighing the pros and cons of going and that is what we were discussing about with a colleague when she told me about her family.

Eva surprised me when she told me that she is currently living with her elder brother and his wife and what fascinated me is the way they relate. Apparently he can take a trip to their upcountry home to visit their mother without even letting her know and she is not offended. The following weekend she will also excuse herself and take public transportation to see the mother without also informing him of her where about.

The choices that people make also contribute to the sibling relationship and those who opt to be criminals find themselves without a family to their name. There are even cases where siblings become enemies and cut them out of their lives because of inheritance or other family related issues.

When siblings are young the love is deeper and when they grow up different things take priorities and time to just connect with each other becomes so limited and the distance between them just grows and what is sad is that they might end up becoming strangers. 

Monday, 23 July 2012

Live Only Today

Life is fragile and too delicate and yet it can fight tooth and nail just to exist.

On Saturday my heart was broken as I went to work through the Thika Highway. Yes the speed that we require to get to town is easily attained but to the expense of someone too much in a hurry to be careful.

I sat next to a young girl and she was very attentive to what she was seeing on the road through the window and she screamed and I glanced outside and there lay a man bleeding on the road after he had been hit by a bus on the zebra crossing no less.

We deceive ourselves that we have control over our life and yet no matter how much we try there are things that we can not prevent.

Live today to the best of your ability and even as you plan to meet someone in the afternoon, just pray that you get granted that favor and never take it for granted when you get home safe at the end of the day, take a moment and just be thankful that you were granted the mercies of that day. Tomorrow is in the hands of the keeper

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

God's Glory.

Glory that God gives to his people is the undeserved favor that inspires feelings of wonder. His people look beautiful and attain great happiness that can not be obtained through any other avenue.

There are cases where two groups are compared. One group believes in God while the other is not too keen and what comes out as amazing is that when they are put through some tests the God believing group comes out more successful.

There are people who may be struggling financially but when God’s glory is on them they look smart no matter how cheap their clothing may be.

God is a revealer of things hidden and he reveals to his people where they can make better deals and be able to find affordable food or even meet with a helpful stranger who may just give them some money or any other help that they may be requiring to sort them out.

Their children will perform well in school enabling them to acquire scholarships. God's glory is unmistakable in that when it occurs in someone's life those people around them wonder at how they are able to accomplish so much with the limited resources available to them.

There are so many documented cases of someone desiring something so much but not having the ability to attain it and then out of the blue, they meet with someone they were in school with many years ago and thy just happen to have the said thing.

God's glory works wonders and it enables the one receiving it to have things just fall in place as if someone behind the scenes is connecting everything.

Someone has to believe that this happens for them to experience it.

From long time ago in the biblical times the Israelite people are said to have walked with God in the wilderness and he did great out of the normal things for them and that is where the idea of God's glory originated from.

The idea behind the glory of God is total trust in God that no matter the circumstances things will work out favorable for them and the outcome will be out of the ordinary and the only thing that God expects from them in return is that they worship him and be thankful in everything.

So many things happen that even science can not dispute and it is amazing that there are things that just happen when someone believes in God, Yes that is all it takes to be entitled to receive it.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

How to Prepare And Study For a Test

After every topic or syllabus is covered in the class room then the inevitable test must be sat for and this is far from fun and special preparations should be made to ensure that a pass is received so that a student can move forward to the next step. We live in a noisy world today and many fun things are happening at the moment and it is so difficult to just focus on what is at hand unless the person taking the test purposes to do so.

Put off the TV as this is one of the major distracters and ensure that you are completely focused on what you are supposed to be reading about. The TV is not going anywhere and it will be waiting right there for you after the test. The internet is one of the tools that will not be going away quickly and it's a good media for revision but the temptation to ward off to more entertaining sites is so great and this is where top displine must be observed to just stick to the revision and once the test is done then you can indulge to your hearts content

The library may not be so interesting to hang around but if the test needs a lot of revision this is one great option as the library rules restricts one to keeping it all about books.

If one resides in a noisy apartment and one is distracted by the noises during study then the earplugs are a must have investment to ensure that one gets the best concentration necessary. 
Today the market has different types that are not expensive and are readily available.

A study group is also important if you can get like minded people who will get down to revising thoroughly and quizzing each other to be well prepared for the test.

Avoid settling in an environment that has too many distractions like the shopping Mall or a Sport ground that can steal the concentration on the job at hand. Ensure that you take small notes to help you and carry every book and every material necessary for the revision.

Don't start your revision on an empty stomach as this reduces the concentration and becomes a waste of time if you need to take time to go grab something to eat. Ensure that you have some drinking water at hand as revision is tiring and one gets thirsty easily.

How To Get Rid Of Clutter Easily

No matter how clean a place is, clutter makes it look disorganized and unattractive and it has been known to kill creativity in those who dwell there. In the today world so many thing contribute to the clattering and it is good to come up with a plan to reduce it or at best eliminate it.

One of the greatest things responsible in the cluttering department is the plastic shopping paper bags that are used by most departmental stores and if you must use them then ensure that you recycle them. Some groups have come up with ways of threading them and making ropes. These are also melted and beads made out of them that make very beautiful jewelry.

 Go an extra step and get a shopping basket for when you go to the market so that the option of packing your groceries in the plastic paper bag is ruled out. It becomes so convenient if you keep an extra shopping bag in the car just incase you forget to bring one if you have to rush out in a hurry.

The soda cans are another great contributor to the clutter and since today you can sell anything, it is good to collect them in a basket and sell them by the kilo and if that is too much work for you put them in the recycle bin together for garbage collection.

Mail is another culprit in the never ending clutter situation, for this ensure that you have a mail tray where all mail is put and sorted according to type and a file can be opened to keep what is important and the bills paid and any junk should be disposed off immediately to avoid a pile up that can easily clutter.

Women and their cosmetics are inseparable and a special place should be designated for that .Summer and winter makeup differentiated so that what is not being used at the moment is kept away until needed. All the old makeup no matter how expensive should be disposed off.

Old medicines and pill bottles can also cause unnecessary clutter and should be disposed off safely. Many pharmacies and drugstore have facilities of old medicine disposal.

Old clothing  and shoes that the children have outgrown or any other that have not been worn in the last six months should be donated or sold in a second hand clothing store or even better auctioned on eBay and you will be surprised at how much clutter can be eliminated.

A clean environment makes it easier to find where stuff is kept and saves time and a lot of energy and gives a warm and inviting place to reside.

Good Will Always Prevail.

 I am cheerfully walking down the street when boom, I am on the ground in a neon second and I am too dazzled and bust out laughing as people hurriedly come up to me and console me. There is this lady who stays behind after the crowd moves away and she begins to brush off the dust from my clothes with her hand and when she notices that it doesn’t come off she does the unthinkable…

I am still too amazed even as I write this because, she removes her wrap that is around her neck and uses it to dust me off and when most of the dirt is gone she tells me that I am okay and walks away. She made my day.

Good is not as obvious as the bad and it does not make news but when it does happen it shines brighter than the sun. My dear Lady May blessings follow you in every area of your life to extend even to those that you love because in less than five minutes you made my day even without knowing me. May you lack nothing good that your heart desires.

There is a debate on whether angels are mystical beings or whether they exist and to me today I met an angel and that is all that I need to know.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

How to Have Fun During Your Free time.

People have fun in different ways according to their personalities and the world is large enough to accommodate every type of person and if some free time comes your way it is good to look for ways to use it and have some fun.

For the very conservative persons who are a bit timid to step out and be adventurous then the television offers a lot of entertaining programmes, real time TV, Soap Operas among much diversity. The choice is yours, grab the remote, bring refreshments to the TV room and you are set for an exiting time.

If adventure is in your system, then you can begin with the smallest step like taking a walk around your neighborhood.

Do you like water, if you do look for a nearby river and take a swim without a care in the World.

This planet is so big and if you love to explore indulge your heart and it does not have to be expensive. Begin by taking a bus and going to the end of the ride and then alight and get to look at the town around, the shops and the local market.

 If you are an intellectual look for contests that are advertised and enter and test your wit and you will be amazed at how much fun you can have and you might surprise yourself. The internet today is just limitless and this gives you so much to behold and only what limits you is in your hands.

Have you every visited a children home or helped out in the soup kitchen? Give it a try and at the end of the day, you will look at your life in a different way and you will have fun as well.

When was the last time you read a book that was not for a class project? Browse the library if you have one near you and look for a silly book like the children story books and just have fun with it. Some places sell old books that are affordable and you can enter a book exchange programme in your locality and if you are even luckier join a book club and meet some great people.

The free time can also be utilized by engaging in sports. What's your flavor? If you are not good in any sports it's not too late to learn and it can be so much fun as well. Even as you look for things to do to have fun ensure that you get lots of rest and eat well as the body appreciates a change of pace and then you will be good to go to have all the fun that is available.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Thank God For the Introvert

An introvert is a personality that is quite at home being alone and can spend a lot of time without being lonely unlike the extrovert.

This is one kind of personality that is often not understood as most people associate it with being shy. Once the introvert person is comfortable with you then they are great and loyal friends and then you get to see the person blossom like a flower and can be very fun to be around.

I know a very special friend of mine who is an introvert and he had taken a month off work and went camping alone for the entire time. When he has a lot of time he can just stay in the house and shut out the world and just watch TV.

An introvert needs time alone just to energize and be at maximum potential before facing the world and is not very comfortable in a large number of people.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Just for the weird and Happy to be.

A lady I know passed by the office the other day and she is looking for a job. A friend of a friend of hers' sent her to see this guy who is a big shot in a certain department in a well known company.

Everything was falling in place and they met in the chosen location and they talked about her getting a job and before they concluded he wanted to sell to her a different proposal, she was all ears and then this executive goes ahead and tells her that she looks like a good girl who can bear him a child and he would pay her a small salary if she would relocate to a cheaper estate.

Who is prepared for that kind of surprise? With bated breath she just nodded her head and held on to the anger until the meeting came to an end. Since she did not know if this guy was coming through for her in the job department, she agreed on another meeting which was held in a restaurant since it was during lunch time.

When she arrived to meet him, he asked her if she had eaten and on saying no, he asked her if she was interested in eating a boiled sheep head and that was the breaking point. With all that the menu has to offer………

She is still looking for a job as of now

Monday, 7 May 2012

The Simplest Life Possible.

This weekend I had not made plans to go visit a children home that I volunteer at but my plans fell through and I ended up there.

Let’s just say my weekend was one of belly laughter until my stomach hurt.

There is this lovely lady who works there and since she works in shifts, either day or night I found her there and as the day came to an end we went home together. She has embarked on a project of rearing pigs and on Saturday she was carrying the left over food for her piglets and that is what began my laughter.

We give too much worry in things when the simplest plan is usually what works best. My friend put the food in multiple Plastic paper bags, tied a piece of cloth around it and swung it on her back and we proceeded to where we were to take the bus and what got me is that it started raining and since I had a small umbrella I explained to her that it could not cover both of us and her answer is the one that got me bent over with laughter.

She explained to me that she does not have any work for umbrellas and that she never carries one no matter what and she went ahead to ask me why trees don’t use umbrellas and she said that  she had no  time to waste using one.

We got to the bus stop and she squeezed herself in the bus and was so ready to get to her pigs, she was soaking wet without a care in the world. Her goal was to get her pigs fed period and anybody who had a problem with that was not her concern.

I needed the belly laugh, she made my weekend. Simply living.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012


In 2008 I had become broke such that I went back to live with my parents and I had almost given up and it was so stressful. My brother had to go to Zimbabwe for four months and he needed someone to house sit for him and since I wasn't doing anything I volunteered but he did not leave me any spending money and I believe in God's ability to provide so I packed my bags and went to live in his house.

 On this particular day, I was very low on funds and when I got to the house I had some corn flour but nothing in the vegetable department. I decided to wash my clothes(no laundry machine) and when I was airing them outside to dry on the clothesline I noticed that the garden had overgrown and in my worry that I had to get someone to clear it (meaning me spending money I did not have)  I looked closely and to my delight what looked like weeds was actually a very rare vegetable that only grows in our village and up to today it never fails to amaze me that God actually grew the greens for me when I really needed help.

Two weeks later some high school friends called me up and wanted to come over and catch up and what they had not told me is that they were doing shopping for me to an extent that yoghurt was included in the purchases.

What do you need today? Ask him for help he is available.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012


I want to take the time and appreciate the individual who came up with the ear plugs, I wonder what kind of noise he encountered until he came up with this invention and for that I take this minute to honor him.

I work in an office that is fairy do what works for you and to hell with everybody else and the earplugs have been a good addition in my handbag and I can't leave home without them, its like someone muted the computer, the traffic sound is stopped downstairs and I am in my space uninterrupted and I can write and for that I am thankful to the inventor.

In my many travel with the train they have helped me relax and read my book seated between two people shouting themselves hoarse and it brings a smile to my face knowing that I have that control.
It’s amazing how much intelligence is in the world that someone can sit and come up with a solution that can be used by many generations to come.

Good and bad must co-exist because if there were no interruptions from sound then the earplugs would be non existent.

Monday, 5 March 2012


I went for my lunch break late today finishing up on something important and as I sat in the park, a woman brought her sick child to be prayed for. The child cannot see, hear, talk or walk and the sad part is that he was born normal seeing, hearing, talking and had even begun walking and then one day the mother woke up and that had all changed and now the child is just a shadow of his former self.

The preacher was very passionate praying for this child and then another man appears claiming to be the pastor who preaches in that location and ordered him to pray quickly that it was now his time to preach. People around had their mouth open in shock, how can someone who comes in the name of God be so impatient to be heard that he is not compassionate about the mother of the sick child?

How do you tell the genuine preacher from the fake one?

 A lady in the group could not hold her tongue and asked him why he could not join the other pastor they pray for the sick child and his reply was beyond words. He said that women should not talk when men are talking and that she was not married because she did not know how to submit.

I wish I had more time to witness the child being prayed for and how it ended. My thoughts and prayers are with the mother of the child because it is such a huge burden that she carries everyday seeing her child in that state and not knowing where to get help, I sure hope that she receives that healing for her child.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

People in Public Transportation.

I am staying at my sister’s place for two weeks as she and her husband go on a work trip to baby sit her five and a half years old daughter and fourteen month old son.

Since this was a last minute thing we had not made prior arrangements to move my luggage so the other option for me was to rough it and take a matatu (bus).

I believe in the good in people but yesterday I was disappointed, I sat close to the door so that I would keep my bag out of the way but then the problem began when the bus conductor moved my bag to a better position which ended up blocking people getting out of the bus and this particular lady gotten so angry that she kicked my bag and it rolled over and a t- shirt got out to the dirt.

What do you say to that person? Pick a quarrel or just understand that my bag acted as her stress reliever?

As the journey came to an end, people were in such a rush to get out of the bus that at one point my bag was sandwiched between me and a ‘gentleman’.

The only question I want an answer to is, when did we stop caring for our fellow humankind to give a bit of assistance once in a while or just give way?

If you see someone with luggage please give way, let them through.

Friday, 3 February 2012

I Notice You

I notice you every day.

You don’t have to say anything as long as you are in the room I notice you.

It doesn’t matter how many people are in the room, you are the only one  I notice.

The way you breathe and that special smell that is you.

You don’t have to attract my attention because no matter how busy I am,  am at peace knowing that you are sharing my space.

When you are running late I am always listening out for you and when you arrive then I settle down.

You don’t have to speak to me or do anything for me; just you being there calms me down and then I can concentrate on my work.

I miss you so much when you go away; yes I know that I am so angry at you sometimes but any distance between me and you when I know that I won’t see you is torture and I can’t wait to see you again.

You are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing before I fall asleep. I practice what I will say to you every time you go away but when I see you I become speechless.

How can I miss you so much when you are right here with me?

Monday, 23 January 2012

Personal sabotage,

I had a cold during the weekend and in a way I am glad that I am finally back to my old self and for a moment I forgot how it is to be just fine and healthy and so today I am in a thankful mood.

When I was getting to work this morning I remembered an incident that made me question the way we relate with others.

There was this gentleman who used to come to my place of work when I was relatively new there and he would nag me to go to see his house every time he came back, on a day that I was feeling very generous I agreed to go with a friend of mine and the only condition I asked was that no alcohol was served in his house.

On the material day, my beautiful friend and I were to go to his house and once he came to meet us at the allocated place, I introduced my friend to him and he looked very uneasy but I just put it down to general nervousness of a guy meeting a beautiful woman for the first time.

When we got to his house, a nice welcome had been made for us and plenty to eat and drink was available and some of his friends were around.

After refreshments we all got to sit and get to know each other and what I found suspicious is that the host kept adding water to his soda and when I asked for some that is when I found out that he was actually adding  an alcoholic drink to the soda, that broke my agreement with him.

That is the only condition that I had requested and to even make matters worse, he completely ignored me and concentrated on my friend. since I had already made my decision on where the relationship was going, I just decided to have a good time and we left with my friend at the end of the day.

My question to date remains, if he was interested to know me why would he sabotage the one chance that he got?

Friday, 6 January 2012

Happy New Year, 2012.

The beginning of the year is the most hopeful time; most of the folks that you talk to are so excited about the New Year that I am yet to meet someone who thinks that the New Year will be a bad one.

How can we make this New Year better than the previous one?

 By changing the way we act and learning from the mistakes that we made last year and trying our level best to be the best that we can be
As for me my only resolution this year 2012, is to be thankful for the little everyday things that I have taken so much for granted.
i)                    I am so thankful that I had a roof over my head last night and I woke up this morning without any kind of pain in my body.
ii)                   Thanks to the fact that I had food to eat and clothes to wear before I left home.
iii)                 Thanks to the fact that I can read and write and especially for the fact that I can use a computer.
iv)                 Thanks to the fact that I can see, hear, smell and move from one place to another.
v)                   I want to be thankful for sound mind and ability to handle a job with all its challenges.

These are the top five that I just picked right out of the hat, yes there will be challenges in the New Year but we are all equipped to handle one day at a time if we don’t carry the baggages of last year.

What is your desire for the New Year?