Monday 23 July 2012

Live Only Today

Life is fragile and too delicate and yet it can fight tooth and nail just to exist.

On Saturday my heart was broken as I went to work through the Thika Highway. Yes the speed that we require to get to town is easily attained but to the expense of someone too much in a hurry to be careful.

I sat next to a young girl and she was very attentive to what she was seeing on the road through the window and she screamed and I glanced outside and there lay a man bleeding on the road after he had been hit by a bus on the zebra crossing no less.

We deceive ourselves that we have control over our life and yet no matter how much we try there are things that we can not prevent.

Live today to the best of your ability and even as you plan to meet someone in the afternoon, just pray that you get granted that favor and never take it for granted when you get home safe at the end of the day, take a moment and just be thankful that you were granted the mercies of that day. Tomorrow is in the hands of the keeper

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