Wednesday 4 September 2013

Would You Like to Live in This House?

I fell in love with the interior decorations of the house as soon as I stepped in. The living room, kitchen and bathroom have tiled floors. The kitchen has cabinets built on the walls and under the sink. A door opens to a small balcony with a fantastic view to a river where school going kids swim all weekend. I paid the rent and moved in the next day. My weekend was peaceful as I unpacked my stuff, the only problem I experienced was loud banging sounds from the iron sheet roofing that kept interrupting my sleep.

I was so excited on Monday to begin my work, when I sat in the living room I could hear people talking on the other side of the wall. The walls are so thin that I could hear their conversation clearly. I was in shock I had moved into this house for some quite as I write. That was just the beginning of a series of many agonizing moments; I discovered that my next door neighbors were a young couple. When they went to the kitchen to cook I could hear pots banging as if it was happening in my kitchen. I could hear them talk when they are in their bedroom as I take a shower in the bathroom on the furthest side of my house.

The electricity supply disconnects regularly in this house for no apparent reason; therefore I must have airtime in my mobile phone to call the caretaker to switch it back on. I do not know if the instant water heater works as there is no water in the bathroom; I carry water in a pail to flash the toilet and use a basin to take a shower. Smoke fills my bedroom every evening from burning garbage near the river; I can smell it on my bedding from time to time.

These two houses share a balcony; the door that opens to the balcony is made of metal. My next door neighbors like opening and closing the door throughout the day; it makes a banging sound interrupting me when I am working in my bedroom. They wake me up very early in the morning when they open that door. My downstairs neighbor uses a charcoal stove (Jiko) to make her meals; when she lights it, it produces a lot of smoke that gathers in my bedroom making it difficult for me to breathe.

I still don’t understand how doves got under the ceiling above my bedroom flapping around early in the morning waking me up when my neighbors don’t. My neighbors must also hear me when I pray in the morning and watch TV before going to bed. This living arrangement is not healthy; the other day the man in that house was insulting me from the comfort of his kitchen. I let it pass as he must be so frustrated knowing there is someone who can hear his every move. 

I have made a decision to move out in the next two months; I wear earplugs when I sleep and all day as I work. My downstairs neighbors bang on her bedroom door with so much force that my bedroom door keeps opening. What broke the camel’s back? It started raining on Saturday evening, water started dripping in right where I was seated. When I went out to the shop, the river had flooded soaking my boots as I wandered in; I had to rush back in case the path was swallowed by the river. 
Would you like to move into this house when I vacate?

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Malicious intentions.

I have been contemplating why people do the things  they do. I am currently residing in a rental apartment. My upstairs neighbor is a girl that I have known for the past three years. We used to be so chatty and talked about issues in our workplaces. We had a neighbor who used to blast music at the loudest volume. When this neighbor moved out, we celebrated. We had an apartment building meeting with the caretaker and he  told us to keep the volume of the music down. A poster was placed at the entrance of the building regarding that issue and everybody read it.

After we had the apartment meeting, I was almost shocked out of my skin when I was sleeping. The volume of the girl’s stereo was vibrating my bed! Excuse me; was she not the one who celebrated with me after the selfish neighbor moved out?

My workplace has been quite lately with the New Year. The colleague who seats behind me got some earphones for his computer and alas, I thought that was the end of the interruptions to my productive day. He has mastered the art of putting on very high volume that I can hear coming out of the earphones that are placed on the desk instead of his ears. I have made a very important observation, that it is important to place people who are going up together; and the others not doing anything important with their lives kept away from them, to avoid pulling them down. It is a waste of time and space.

I believe in God and I was questioning why some of these things happen, difficulties are stepping stones that we need to pursue our goals. I should be thankful for the two persons in my life who are here to make me prosper. Nothing can hold me back as much as they try to interfere with my progress. I am destined for greater things and no force on earth or heaven can stop it. Please reserve this page and let me tell you my story.

If you are going through a difficult situation, embrace it and wait for your breakthrough. Nothing lasts forever that I can assure you of; you can take it to the bank.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Lucy’s story of a humble beginning to great heights.

Lucy’s story begins in the city of Nairobi. After completing her accounting course, she went to live with her brother. One day when she went to the market, a man overheard her talking to the woman selling her the vegetables. She was talking about looking for a job. The man approached her and asked her if she was interested in working. She said she would as long as it was not as a domestic worker. She did not have a cell phone, the man agreed to meet her the following day in the morning in the town centre.

Lucy was exited about getting the job, she asked her brother to give her some money for bus fare the following day. Her brother being overprotective refused to give her and she borrowed from a neighbor. She woke up early and went to meet the stranger. She waited for him for four hours. When he finally came, he showed her the shop where he was to get her the job. It was closed. He told her to wait and once it was opened to give him a call. The owner of the shop agreed to give her the job to start in the New Year. It was November by then. After three days, the owner of the shop decided to call Lucy so that she could start work. She had given her brother’s cell phone number.

Lucy decided not to talk to the man because she thought that he was interested in her. After three days had passed and she was not reachable, the man went back to the market where he has first seen Lucy. He asked around where she resided and someone directed him to her brother’s house. He went and there was no one home. The following day early in the morning, he went back. Lucy opened the door and she could not believe that the man had come to see her before 6 am in the morning. She wanted to lock him out but he explained that she was needed at her place of work immediately.

The stranger wanted to help her, wanting nothing in return. She worked at the shop for a few years and made friends with the family of her employer. She got another job where she could practice her career as an accountant. The man she worked for was very obsessed on how the door of the shop was opened. She had to recite a prayer seven times on opening the door. The owner of the shop would take time off to go to a cave to pray for a week. She was a dedicated employee who did the best she could. The business was making a profit.

Her brother was working in a firm owned by some Asians and when there was a vacancy, he asked her to apply. She did and when she was interviewed, they offered her a salary twice what was to be given for that post. When she went to hand over her resignation letter, her former boss increased her salary by three times. She begged him to release her.

 Lucy moved to a medical insurance company where the environment allowed her to grow in her career, she met and fell in love with her husband and things were going well. Janet, who was her superior, started bullying her; she would get home upset. Her husband advised her to quit her job. When her husband was having lunch with a friend called Paul, he told her about his wife. They arranged for her to go for an interview in Paul’s office. He is a doctor. The amazing thing was that the office was in the same building as her former employer. She would meet with Janet in the lift. She would say hello and Janet would not respond.

The office that Lucy was working in was providing medical services to the medical insurance company where she resigned. On the material day, the secretary was not in, Lucy was asked to fill in for her. The mysteries of life cannot be explained. Janet came in sick. She saw Lucy seated at the front desk and asked her to help her see a doctor before the other patients in line. Lucy put her in her place and told her to wait like every one else or to go get the messenger from their office to come queue for her. She was too proud to wait she went for the messenger.  After the doctor attended her, she went to Lucy and apologized for every wrong that she had done to her.

She worked in Paul’s office for two years. In December, they had a team building tour with her colleagues. When they left from Nairobi going to Maasai Mara, she remembered that she had not sent a report that was mandatory every Friday. She requested her colleagues to allow her to make a stopover in Narok to use a cybercafé. She noticed that there was only one in the town. One had to have an ID to be allowed to surf the net. An idea grew root, she consulted with her husband on then relocating to Narok. He agreed. She took a month off work to set up the computer business. She advertised her business by offering free internet and people flocked there. She started teaching them computer packages.

Her business grew. She resigned from her job and relocated to Narok. She employed computer teachers to teach the large number of clients. She applied for a contract with the city council to service the municipal computers. She was doing so well, she bought a car. She diverged into wheat faming, proposal writing for the natives.

Talking to Lucy taught me a lesson. You can be a success no matter where you are, if you work hard and grab every chance that comes your way.

Friday 7 December 2012

Weird behaviors or not?

The world is an interesting place. Every person brought up with different values. The beauty of diversity is that it eliminates boredom. A wise old person once said you have to eat food made by someone different from your mother. Reason being that if, you do not, then you will always think that, the food that your mom cooks is the best.  The weekend that ended, I got to talking to this Lady that I have been seeing around in a place that I go to volunteer.

We were actually talking about how other people’s opinion influence our day. She actually laughed and told me that it does not bother her one bit. Other people doings do not feature in her day. If someone accuses her of doing something that she has not done, she does not bother to defend herself. She told me of two cases that happened to her when she was growing up that surprised me.

The first one is about her siblings. It was a wet weekend so they decided to sit in the kitchen and make some pancakes. After the pancakes were ready, as a joke, the brother said they grab them and see who will get the most. Being the youngest sibling, she did not get any.  The older sister and brother ate them. What you would expect from a child is for her to have cried and reported to the mother. She quietly went to the cabinet, got a knife, and stabbed her sister on the arm. Her sister started crying and had to be taken to the hospital. What got to me was the fact that she started laughing when she saw the blood dripping.

The second case is when her mother accused her of eating the sugar in the dish. She did not say that it was her brother. The mother got so annoyed that she got two sugar canes and beat the daylights out of her. She stood there and asked her if she had finished beating her. I cannot imagine her mother’s reaction to her child asking her if she was done beating her. She did not shed a single tear. 

After that episode, she ran away from home for two weeks. She did not go to school, where was she? She was living on top of a tree in their compound. She would come down at night, steal food, and then go sleep on the tree. She was not frightened of the dark or any wild animals. She would roam around the neighborhood waiting for her mom to go to sleep.

Her temper gets the best of her in the things other people find trivial, she has broken her TV and hit her kid with a cup on the head.

What provokes you to anger? Moreover, how quickly does it come upon you?

Thursday 8 November 2012

Challenges of making Money online.

I was having a conversation the other day with my mom about my article writing  that I have been doing faithfully for the last 4 years without a coin to show for it. On 3rd November 2012, I received  100 dollars withdrawn from my local bank account. Yes, I finally broke even and that is why I want to put it in writing. This is not an easy journey, furthermore there is a lot of heartbreak involved but that is life.
The online writing business has different testimonies from different people but mine has not been easy. I have had my hope build up by different sites and then gotten the worst heartbreak after my work has been stolen and someone taken credit for it.

I joined earlier in the year and things were going so well ; I had sold some articles in their market place and I thought for a while that I was about to cash out. I came in early in the morning to start work and after trying to log in for a while, I contacted their helpline and I was beyond shocked when they told me that they had suspended my account because they had to delete some of my articles because I was not a native……… I was too surprised but the worst part is that they got to keep my 20 articles without paying me for them. I believe in giving credit where it is due, they gave me exposure to the search engines and if you type my name, you can see some of my articles.

Never giving up is a lesson that I have come to learn in this business, I joined and the community is awesome and people encourage each other. I could not earn on this platform because Google disapproved my account. No reasons given. I searched online on where I could earn without Google ad sense and then here comes Things were going great and the payment is in Euros, 46 articles later and nothing in payment, page views are many but they do not explain how you are paid, the funds in the account keeps going down.

I joined and my first contract was a bid of 150 dollars and on accepting the contract they straight away charged me 10% and that meant my account was -$15 even before I began the contract. The client gave me work for 7 dollars so I owed them 8 dollar.
They emailed me and told me to deposit funds in my account or they suspend my account. Needless to say I did not and now my account is suspected until I add the funds for them to activate it. I will not add any funds.

I have joined so many other article directories in my four years journey, it has had its ups, and down but in all that I am so thankful that I have become a writer who can write in many areas including blogs, seo, articles, product reviews among others.  Finally, I remove my hat to I have had my account with them for the last four years and they did not deactivate it even when I did not log in. When I went back earlier this year, I was able to apply for contracts, I made my first 100 dollars, and I went home and celebrated with my mom who has been my greatest supporter in this writing business.

If you are new in this business, do not give up go on writing and soon enough, you will have your breakthrough and the money will start coming in.You can  read more about the challenges of working from home at 

Tuesday 9 October 2012

How To Job Search Today

In the today world, for one to eat, one needs a job. To job search is a requirement for every graduate after attaining the mandatory education and every help available is appreciated. The internet has become a great platform that offers a chance to everyone who can use a computer to fill out his or her qualifications to begin on the job search.

The work market is flooded with so many options and the job search candidate should explore every avenue and determine what best works for him or her. One should be well prepared for the severe competition that is out there and should take some time to prepare a great portfolio for the job search.

Where else should you job search?

Apart from the internet, the word of mouth has actually worked for some people in the job search endeavor as some companies look for ways to save money on advertising for vacancies, they ask the staff to refer people that they know who can fill these positions.  Recreational groups that one is in can also assist in the job search as one is able to interact with these people and the qualifications of an individual discussed.

What is required for the job search?

Any qualifications that one may have that are not academic may also be included in the curriculum vitae as these may end up differentiating you from someone with similar educational qualifications. Ensure that you indicate any experiences that you may have attained during the practical industrial attachment that may make you a good candidate for the job available.

As you prepare for the job search, put in mind that even if the job does not have everything that you are looking for, you can work your way up if the organization has the potential to allow you to grow. Do not despise humble beginning; you will get there eventually with hard work and a great attitude.

Friday 7 September 2012

What Color is your iphone 4?

iphone  4 is the must have iphone as what it can actually bring to your life is almost unbelievable.

To unlock the iphone 4 mystery why it comes in only black and white color is the debate that most customers have come up with and since this is a very colorful world more colors are definitely going to be introduced to the market.

As we wait for more colors to be available, try out the black and the white and none will disappoint and if the artist in you can come out and spruce it up to the color of your desire with the options that are easily available in the market today.