In 2008 I had become broke such that I went back to live with my parents and I had almost given up and it was so stressful. My brother had to go to Zimbabwe for four months and he needed someone to house sit for him and since I wasn't doing anything I volunteered but he did not leave me any spending money and I believe in God's ability to provide so I packed my bags and went to live in his house.
On this particular day, I was very low on funds and when I got to the house I had some corn flour but nothing in the vegetable department. I decided to wash my clothes(no laundry machine) and when I was airing them outside to dry on the clothesline I noticed that the garden had overgrown and in my worry that I had to get someone to clear it (meaning me spending money I did not have) I looked closely and to my delight what looked like weeds was actually a very rare vegetable that only grows in our village and up to today it never fails to amaze me that God actually grew the greens for me when I really needed help.
Two weeks later some high school friends called me up and wanted to come over and catch up and what they had not told me is that they were doing shopping for me to an extent that yoghurt was included in the purchases.
What do you need today? Ask him for help he is available.